Saturday, September 5, 2009

Uganda or Ethiopia?

This past week, four of the boys from the African Children’s Choir stayed at our house for two days. They are from Uganda, and are between 9 and 11, so it was interesting being around them, thinking, we could have boys like this in our family within the next year. Here they are, listening to one of their chaperones tell them a bedtime story:

And here they are with Alex and Trevor:

Then today, I got two emails. One was from Jodi; she sent me the link to a video of some older boys, taken at Royal School and Orphanage in Uganda, the place where she is adopting her kids and where Kato Fred is. This is the link -; you have to click play and wait for it to load (I don’t know how to embed videos, sorry – need to take the time to figure it out). As I watched it, especially seeing the boys who loved music, I thought -– I could totally see some of these boys in our family. (This is another great video from the orphanage, of Jalia, the lady who started it and runs it --

Later I got this email from Eileen, who just got back from Ethiopia:

I just got home last night and I am so excited to tell you I have several boys to recommend for adoption. I was thinking of you the entire time I was there and so many of them asked me to please find them a family. I have to get all my photos together and videos that I will be posting soon. There are two boys that are specifically special to my cousin Georgie that he asked me to tell you about. Do you have an age range in mind?? I have several older and younger... I can't wait to tell you about them!

I’m waiting to hear back from Eileen, and I’m also going to email Jalia in Uganda to ask her about another possible boy to adopt with Kato Fred, or maybe two brothers. So, please pray and agree with us that God would lead us to the specific children he has for our family. Obviously, there are so many in need, it can be overwhelming.


  1. when you're looking at the video, there's a button that says embed, and you just click it and it'll give you a link to put in your blog!
