Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Ugandan Boy?

I finally got an email from Jalia at Royal Orphanage in Uganda today, about another older boy we could adopt along with Kato Fred:

I am thinking of Rogers. He traveled with the choir in 2006 to America, he is about 15 or 16 now and in high school, he is a good boy and sings well.


Her emails are always so tantalizing – you’re left wanting more. : ) I have so many questions, but she apparently has an ancient computer that is really slow, and a dial-up connection. Thankfully, the Tuckers will probably be going there at the beginning of November to pick up their children (yay!), and they can meet him, and get more information about him, and Kato as well. They are hoping to get a laptop donated for Jalia as well to take to her when they go, so she can be more connected.

This is a video about the choir who came in 2006, and what they were raising money for (thankfully, the new school and orphanage has now been built). I guess Rogers may be one of the boys in there:

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