Monday, January 24, 2011

Ethiopia Day 4 - hanging out

Wednesday was a holiday too, and the kids were all out of school, so we hung out with them most of the day at Layla House, which was fun and relaxing.

Melaku is Alex's little buddy, and for some reason he loves to play with his hair -

Both boys have asked if we will let them grow their hair out once they come home - of course we said yes. I'm sure it will be nice for them just to be able to have control over that aspect of their appearance.

There were more soccer games, this time with the older boarding school girls joining in, including Meseret on the Phillips family team -

We played card games with the kids -

and Darren showed them pictures and played some of Lindsay's songs for them on his laptop.

In the afternoon, the boarding school girls had to go back to school, so Alex and I rode with them in the van. They go to school in an area called Akaki, on the outskirts of Addis. It felt like the countryside to me; the roads leading up to her school were dirt, with huge rocks in the road. Because of that, I think, most people get around in horse-drawn cart taxis like this -

It was sad to say goodbye to Meseret, but we told her to work hard in school, especially in math and English, and that we will do whatever we can to bring her here!

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