Friday, April 1, 2011

Letter...and impressive mailman

We got another letter from Melaku yesterday. :) He's pretty consistent about writing, which is nice; I think they probably have the kids with parents write to them in their class at school.

They must have a hard time reading my writing, though, because we have gotten letters with all kinds of interesting addresses...but somehow they have always made it to us (of course I wouldn't know if they didn't make it, right?). This letter was just addressed to me on our street name, no house number; and there are a lot of houses on our street. Props to our mailman. :)

Dear family,

How are you? I am fine. Thank you for the letter. When I read the letter I am so happy. When you will come soon I want to play soccer with my Dad. I love you my family. God with you. God bless you.

By By

I hope we will come soon too!

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