Monday, August 9, 2010


I got my previous to-do list done - applied for two adoption loans (waiting to hear right now) - but then we found out that we actually had to get some additional training finished before our dossier could be sent to Ethiopia. AAI had sent us a training seminar on dvd by Brian Post called "Healing for the Attachment Challenged Child," and we are almost finished with it. It has been really helpful, actually - a lot of great information and techniques - and I'm sure we'll come back to it in the future.

Mainly right now we are in the "choosing" phase. So far we have received two dvds of waiting children in Ethiopia, and have been looking through them, praying about various sibling groups, getting more information about them, etc. To me it is actually the most difficult part.

Previously I was focused on getting documents together, training, things like that, which took time but were fairly straightforward. Now, we have to decide which children will become part of our family, forever. It can be overwhelming, looking at so many children who all need homes and families, trying to discern which ones God is leading us to.

Please pray for us, for wisdom, discernment, and clear direction from God.

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